7 things to keep in mind managing your brewery during the upcoming holiday season.

Hello brewery family, we thought you might enjoy this blog and learn a few things about our experiences assisting breweries during the holiday season with marketing and awareness efforts.

1.  Every brewery should work to host, private and semi-private events. This is often recurring revenue for breweries as Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve celebrations happen every year! Take a second and reach out to business owners in the community that you know. Do they want to do a corporate event at your brewery? Consider that you can charge rent fees for private events; bonus, semi-private events will often run high bar tabs.

2.  This is a perfect time of the year to host fundraisers for non-profits and work to build your community's trust. There are plenty of non-profits around the United States that are desperately in need of cash flow. Hosting these events at your brewery is a perfect opportunity spread some good karma, build brand awareness, and assist a non-profit in raising capital. We often donate or steeply discount promotional products for these events, if you're looking to host one, please reach out to your designer and learn more.

3. Brewery swag, apparel, glassware, KOOZIES® and COOLIES are great gifts and stocking stuffers for people (and pets!). Consider printing and hanging an engaging banner to show off your new apparel, swag and glassware; "Drink a beer and holiday shop at the same time!". Letting your customer know that these are great gifts for the holiday season is important! In marketing you have to think for your clients which looks like helping them see options they might not have previously considered. If you really want to go the extra mile, a December holiday display with the swag under it, clearly defined pricing and some winter flair is a great idea to increase revenue and get your brand out there!

Custom koozies and apparel with brewery design

4. Run holiday and Christmas promotions. This sounds like a no-brainer but so many breweries forget to do this, either. Discount cards, happy hours, growlers, product specials etc. are all always welcome by customers especially when they're spending so much more during the holiday season.

5.  Change your AV. (if it makes sense for you)!  Trust us and try it! Your audio visual can be playing or showing Christmas and holiday music, movies etc.  We go every year to our local brewery to watch Elf!!  It is a family tradition.

 6. Decorate! This is so important, people love lights, tinsle, candles, holiday smells etc. Just spending a few hundred dollars on Amazon/Walmart for Christmas and holiday supplies that your brewery can use every year is a great investment. You can even stick cinnamon sticks in corners to evoke that holiday cheer.

 7. Brew Beer! And last but not least, you probably already know and practice this one!  Brew holiday lines of beer!

custom breweries koozies

If you are interested in swag to sell at your brewery, custom uniforms like hoodies, t-shirts and hats for your staff, or custom glassware, please reach out to your sales agent or click here to fill out a free proof form to get started. Breweries will get 20% off orders and free shipping on all holiday themed designs! Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy Thanksgiving, happy holidays. We appreciate all the small breweries in America!

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